List of television stations in Chile

List of television stations in Chile:


Nationwide terrestrial television channels


Canal 13 —partly owned by Chile's Catholic Church— and TVN —owned by the state— are the country's two major television stations. Chilevisión and MEGA are large and competitive private broadcasters. UCV Televisión, RED TV and Telecanal are minor channels with limited budget.


National cable/satellite channels

International only channels

Regional terrestrial television channels (by region)

Note: This list does not include local TVN repeaters or Redes. The complete list is at TVN (Chile)#Regional networks.

Santiago Metropolitan Region

Arica y Parinacota Region

Tarapacá Region

Antofagasta Region

Atacama Region

Coquimbo Region

Valparaíso Region

O'Higgins Region

Maule Region

Biobío Region

Araucanía Region

Los Ríos Region

Los Lagos Region

Magallanes and Antártica Chilena Region

See also

External links